Monday, October 15, 2007

Bk t0 the Five*

welp- it's been a minute- that's for sure.

This semester is slowly rolling by and it's getting harder and harder everyday, but i'm breathing and that's all I can ask for.
I finally got my computadora back( gracias mami) and I'm learning to type with acrylics again- so if there tends to be a lot of spelling errors- im apologizing in advance.

Went to Que's birthday party last Thursday- that was a dilemma and a half trying to get to, but in the long run- it was worth it. It was nice to see him and see that goofy smile i missed. Plus Glenis and Rahz were there so that was nice to see them... Goin up to visit Glenis soon anyways- and Val, we miss her so much here... it's just not the same.definitely...not...the...same... but it's movin so were straight.

I joined a gym about a month ago, and i got a personal trainer to set me up with a program and that is going rather well. I've been taking some spinning classes which are sure to make your butt hurt for a good three days if not for longer.

RA'ing is going well. I'm putting out some good programs and I got my student club up and running. We're planning our spirit week. People might say its cliche and "high school" but they don't tend to realize that other colleges who HAVE sports teams have spirit weeks and homecomings and FORMALS.. I mean come on people- just hop on the train and let it roll- shit(hah). Not much you can do for people that complain but wont take part when stuff is actually going on.ay yi yi.

So- we had a guest speaker in one of my classes today and as cool and knowlegdable as he was- he was one blow away from being worse off than Ozzy himself. Put the pipe down and get to work children... Not cute..

Well, now Im excited because i wont have to hand write everything out anymore and that is UNBELIEVABLY exciting. So ysy for me.

Ill write again soon..<3

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