I had planned to go to my Cardio Kickboxing class tonight at 7pm, but I didn't have the opportunity =[ Sometimes life's errands must take Pri-Or-Ity...
Anywho....I didn't feel too awful because I did very well with my MyFitnessPal calorie counting today! I ate a bit under my calorie intake and had a TON of veggies + grilled chicken with Herb de Provence seasoning ( by McCormick- highly recommend!).... I think I've read somewhere that you need to actually consume closer to the recommended calories of your specific program to increase the probability of reaching your ::my:: weight loss goals... Sounds scientifically proven, so I'll buy it....
Currently- I am weighing in at ____lbs. ::Not going to share this number until I am closer to my desired weight! Haha! I am sure there are plenty of ladies and gents out that who feel the same way I do!
On a positive note- I am happy to say I am starting in at 30 lbs lighter than I was a year and three months ago...
So..As I missed my regular Tuesday C.K class I decided to turn to PINTEREST! What else?!
I opted for these fun workouts on my bedroom floor while watching last night's Being Human and Lost Girl episodes ::only on SyFy:: Bless the person who invented DVR and TiVo...[Does anyone actually have TiVo anymore, though?]
feettogetherthighsapart.tumblr.com |
Gotta say- this is probably one of my very favorite- QUICK- workouts. Sometimes you only have a spare 15-20 minutes and want to squeeze in a quick workout. Maybe release a little stress after a long day at work, before you have to haul a** to your 2nd or hey-what the heck- 3rd job? This is definitely a good one!
Plus, these workout points and structures are largely what you see in a cardio kickboxing.. Jumping "Jack", "Squat and SQUEEZE", as my instructor says! Squat & Stick that butt out- Up and SQUEEZZEEEEE! It really works those glutes!
I found this doozey on there too. It's a good one, and like any workout is open to modification! I will be modifying all my Pinterest favorites later this week and sharing those in next weeks blog!
As mentioned, these workouts are purely up to you! I use this second workout as a guideline. Because I have repeated issues of Patella Femoral Syndrome in my right and left knee's, I am not too keen on excessive squatting.Neither are my kneecaps=] And apparently this is an increasingly wide spread syndrome, sometimes referred to or recognized in the same category as runners knee, etc. So for those of you with similar circumstances, try my method:
30 butt kickers, 10 squats :regular- down and squeeze those cheeks when pulling up:, NO Plie Squats, 20 Donkey Kicks, 15 Fire Hydrants on both sides (30 total), 10 squats: regular- down and squeeze up:, 5 Jump squats, skip the bridges,20 lunges, 15 Fire Hydrants on both sides (30 total), 5 squats :regular- down and squeeze up:, NO Plie Squats and finish with a 1 minute plank & full body stretch! I strictly avoid the Plie squats ::for the sake of my knee's and medical costs.LOL::If your knees start to both you, skip out on the squats and up your fire hydrants or Donkey Kicks by 10-15 reps.
For anyone who has not done a legitimate 'FireHydrant' before- this is GREAT for love handle reduction and I PROMISE you- you will feel the burn! Every, and I mean EVERY, woman in my C.K. class dreads this portion of our workout.Plus, it comes towards the end so you know there is something to look forward to. haha!
Despite it being a bit hard after your first set of 15, it is a great stretch and awesome workout..I am hoping that over the course of this next month & routinely sticking to these types of workouts, I will see atleast a 1-2 inch reduction on my hips and the same for my waist. To quote R.Kelly "If I just believe it- theres nothing to it..."
So if you can put aside the image of a doggie lifting it's leg to piddle on a hydrant- you are golden!! and if you can't--- laugh through your three reps of 15!
You can see my favorite Pinterest workouts on my