- Well, im currently sitting in the RA bOOTH listening to a terrible remix of Apologize.. it's a wonderful song and this remix is just a disgrace.lmao.
I missed my 9am class because I totally missed my alarm..whoops.. I have to buy an alarm clock. indeed, indeed...
I can't even think enough to write a full blog today, my mind's is all over the place..
I do however have 3 papers due next week. None of which I have started at all. I'll get on that soon. If I start too early, I'll over analyse and they'll all suck.. That's weird logic, but its serious.. I work so much better under pressure..
Its going on about four hours sitting in the booth and I've be alone the whole time. It is amazing how your friends are never around when you are bored out of your mind and in desperate need of company.I shouldn't be surprised tho. That is usually the way it goes..I have to write a paper based on my belief that people always lie. That shouldn't be too difficult- i've got plenty of examples to provide.
Whitney Houston is blaring through the small speakers of my computer. It is so wonderful- takes me back to when I was five and my brother said I couldnt sing anymore because id started listening to mariah carey instead of Whitney-- he didn't like Mariah.. her music wasn't as fun.lol.. Awww, to be five again.
I want to write a book.. I keep reading these books and I really want to start writing one. Im not sure how id get it published, or if i would even want to..But hell- im sure it would be fun. That's a lot of development. I have a hard enough time coming up with full ideas of short stories for class.. Owell, we'll see I suppose.
This week is Spirit Week-since its Halloween- its just to get us all together and bein stupid, but it is so cold - i feel like people aren't participating for that reason.. Then again, its only Monday...
Wednesday is going to be pretty fun.. D and I are going to go get some fresh polish on our nailsies and hopefully my tan looks good enough for my costume.lol.
On a different note, I keep missing Heroes( the tv show) and I am NOT happy about that. I also keep forgetting to catch it online- maybe i'll check to see if I can find it on youtube.com ... You never know with that website. People are crazy with video cameras.. Oh Lord.. another conversation for another day.
Welp- im off fow now.. no more blabbing..