Anywho- I have been missing in action since this summer. There was just so much going on!!
My last post- I think was in July ::GASP::. Since then, my puppies had their 2nd and 3rd Birthdays: for which I made a doggy birthday cake & had a party with my friend Heather & her dog Jacob! I was in my cousin's beautiful wedding , went on a family vacation, had my 1st floor neighbors evolve into my biggest nightmare, went to Ohio for Christmas, found a new apartment & spent 16 hours on New Years EVE moving into- that-new apartment. I got to see a movie with my younger brothers back in Ohio- who I have not gotten to spend alot of time with in!
So....first things first...
Kevin and Melissa's Wedding: August 17, 2012, Weymouth Country Club, Medina, Ohio.
This did not all start out so wonderfully. I had a Mystic Tan done before I left NY for Ohio. Now this isn't my first rodeo and I knew what to expect with Mystic. Stand akwardly and place your foot on each numbered space. Not rocket science. I had them add a bronze boost for extra color to last through my vacation. For whatever reason- this color and bronze boost didnt take to my ENTIRE left arm. I found myself asking my boyfriend several times on our drive to Ohio, "Does my arm look weird? Do I have color?"...The fact I had to ask was proof enough something wasn't right...
Fortunately, once I got to Ohio, my sister in law was able to point me in the direction of a tanning salon that did actual AIRBRUSH tanning. So I stripped down to my skivvies and woman-d up to have the airbrush done.. It wasn't so bad and the color I got came out great! I felt a little too tan, but the photos came out nicely and my color lasted partially through my vacation...And this was all the same day as the rehearsal dinner!

The weather was perfect despite the weather report claiming it would thunderstorm for weeks before the actual wedding.The skies had a few fluffy white clouds and the breeze was perfect as we stood in the warm sun!
Melissa opted for two different bridesmaid dress-COLORS. Some of us wore pink, while others wore green. She decided to have each of us wear the opposite colored shoes. This was all custom done by Catan's Fashion in Strongsville, Ohio and they did WONDERFULLY. We were like cute little flowers!
Immediately after the wedding, we left for our family vacation in Cherry Grove [North Myrtle Beach] South Carolina! With my airbrush tan just right- I was ready to go!

This was a great time with family & we got to enjoy the company of our family from England---a group of people we see far too little of! Currently saving in my Paris Piggy for a big Europe Trip for my 30th Birthday with Mom.. Watch out Haven & Family- HERE WE COME:)

We had lots of laughs with my cousins and relatives.
I went jet skiing again (second time) and was far too traumatized from my first experience to enjoy it. Im pretty sure I cried atleast 80% of the time and was shaking 100% of the time. I saw a giant snake and the supervisors told me they had never "seen anyone attacked by a croc." Like why in the WORLD would you tell that to someone who is already - OBVIOUSLY- apprehensive about going in the water.
Ugh- never again! I feel no sense of freedom flying along the water with creatures that are at the top of their watery-food chain stalking below me! Ah!! No Thank You!!
Moving on to--October* My puppies BiRthDay pArtY!
Kane turned 3 on October 1st and Lily turned 2 on October 5th. Anyone who knows me~ knows that I am a nut for my pets. Birthday cakes, clothes, brushing their teeth (which YES, all pet owners should do or it will eventually cost you more money down the line when their teeth are rotting out!Point made?)

Ohio for Christmas was wonderful. We actually had snow in Ohio, unlike what I would've seen in New York! Needless to say- I was happy to have a white Christmas=] I also got to see my sister-in-law who is 7 months pregnant and due at the end of February. I cannot wait for my newphews arrival!!
Also while in Ohio I got to go see "Rise of the Guardians" with my two younger brothers- Eric and Corey.
We don't get to spend alot of time together now that I am living in New York, so it was nice to spend a few hours just hanging around.
This movie is now on the top of my yearly-Christmas-movie MUST watch list! Right next to the "Polar Express" and "The Grinch" (both animated and live versions).
Right before the previews started we decided to capture a quick pic of the three of us with our groovy 3D glasses on... Love you guys!
I don't have any photos from New Years Eve considering I was a sweaty mess as we moved my things to my new apartment. At the stroke of midnight, I was shoved in the backseat of my parents SUV with a doggy in my lap, two cats in a carrier next to me and my guitar that kept hitting me in the head... I'm sure you can visualize this all well enough that a picture wouldn't even be necessary! =]
Keep an eye out for my next few posts... Holiday Gift Baskets that will drive you wild, a Weight Watchers Warm Honey & Cinnamon Cheesecake & of course all my new resolutions & favorites for the coming year!
For Now~*
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